The home right behind the Habitat lodge had a rooster. I can’t remember what his name was, but I wanted to kill him. This vile bird’s favorite place to hang out was right outside the back air vent (really just a screened slit in the brick wall) of our room. This put the rooster about 3 feet from the head of my roommate Doug. Starting at about 10 o’clock every night, he and all the other roosters for miles around would have a contest to see who could shatter the air into the tiniest pieces. This contest would last until breakfast. I could swear that he must have been putting his beak right up to that air vent and aiming the focus of his shock-wave at my head. One morning I saw the rooster in our courtyard. Brave little creature. He was lucky I had my camera and not my pocket knife.
I went to Bolivia to work on a Habitat for Humanity project.